Criminal Defense Lawyer Peoria IL

Criminal Defense Lawyer Peoria IL

Criminal Defense Lawyer Peoria IL – Law Firm of Koth Gregory & Nieminski – 420 North Main Street – Bloomington – Call 309-828-5090

At our law firm, we understand that the experience of facing a criminal charge can be an overwhelming one. It can cause a lot of distress not just for the person charged but for his or her friends and family, too. Without a doubt, it’s critical to have a knowledgeable Criminal Defense Lawyer Peoria IL at your side who will aggressively protect your rights and interests.

We have many years of experience in the specialty practice area of criminal defense in Illinois, working with a wide range of cases such as aggravated assault, battery, theft or other serious charges.

If you or someone close to you is currently dealing with any type of allegations in the Bloomington-Peoria area, it’s essential that you promptly contact a lawyer who will represent you with reliability and commitment. Our lawyers and support staff take the time necessary to collect all the relevant evidence and information we require to create a strong criminal defense case for you that will stand up effectively in a court proceeding. Your future is at stake and we take that very seriously.

Criminal Defense Lawyer Peoria IL

Regardless of which type of criminal accusations you are facing, it’s always a sound move to hire a Criminal Defense Lawyer Peoria IL who is well-versed in all aspects of the local justice system. Attempting to legally represent yourself in a criminal proceeding will most likely not end well.

Everyone on our seasoned legal staff has the knowledge and dedication necessary to represent your interests in a legal process for a violent crimes, providing you the most favorable potential outcome. We know the consequences of a conviction for a violent crimes and felony in Illinois can be significant and will go that extra mile for your case.

When you are in need of excellent legal services from a defense lawyer in Peoria or other communities in McLean County, look no further than our law firm. Contact us today to speak with a lawyer about your case.

When to Contact a Criminal Defense Lawyer Peoria IL

Naturally, there are certain situations where it’s clear that you’re in need of professional legal representation when facing a criminal charge. However, there can be other instances when people may be unsure when it’s necessary to call a lawyer. For example, should you contact a criminal defense lawyer for assistance with a motor vehicle violation? Or if law enforcement has placed you under arrest but has yet to charge you with anything?

While each situation is unique, a lawyer specializing in criminal defense can assist you in several diverse scenarios. You should not hesitate to call a lawyer about your particular case.

How a Criminal Defense Lawyer Peoria IL Can Help You:

You may first picture a defense lawyer representing a defendant at a criminal trial, but there are a lot of other ways a lawyer may be of assistance prior to reaching the trial stage. A few common examples of how our law office helps clients facing criminal issues includes:

  • -Representing the client during the case’s investigative stage, prior to the issuing of charges.
  • -Provides representation and protection of clients’ rights in police questioning to prevent the clients from making statements that are not in their best interests
  • -Fighting to lower bail at hearings when necessary.
  • -Advises our clients on how to plead at their initial hearing.
  • -Discussing a potential dismissal of charges with prosecutors and judges.
  • -Assess the details that led to traffic citations or the client’s arrest to determine whether law enforcement committed any constitutional violations.
  • -Negotiate for a plea agreement that is favorable in the event the client chooses to enter a guilty plea to an offense
  • -Whether you are facing a ticket for a traffic violation, an allegation of a misdemeanor offense or a major felony charge, a resourceful lawyer with experience in criminal defense can help to avoid a conviction and its consequences in multiple ways.

Consult with a Criminal Defense Lawyer Peoria IL at 309-828-5090.

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