Estate Planning Lawyer Normal IL

Estate Planning Lawyer Normal IL

Selecting The Best Estate Planning Lawyer Normal IL Will Make A Big Difference

If you are ready to get started, fill out our simple online questionnaire . If your situation is complex or unusual and you would like to meet with a lawyer first, schedule an appointment with an experienced Estate Planning Lawyer Normal IL through our calendar or call Koth Gregory & Nieminski at 309-828-5090 .

Services and Rates:

  • One Trust (Single or Joint Marital Trust) – $1,000
  • Two Trusts (Married but different wishes/interests) – $2,000
  • Recording Deed(s) – $44.16 per deed.
  • One Will (Single) – $500
  • Two Wills (Married) – $750

**Power of Attorney documents and Healthcare Directives are included with the cost of the Trust or Will.

– 80+ years of combined experience –

You will be in good hands at Koth Gregory & Nieminski with an Estate Planning Lawyer Normal IL who can help you prepare for your financial future and make things easier for your loved ones after you pass. Contact us today to schedule a consultation.

The process of estate planning entails identifying who shall receive your property, assets and manage your responsibilities after you pass away. In addition, one of the main goals is to ensure your beneficiaries actually receive your property and assets in a cost-effective, timely manner.

Need Assistance Planning for Your Family’s Future? Speak to an Estate Planning Lawyer Normal IL Today!

Estate planning establishes a platform that you can adjust according to changes in your financial situation. It all begins by determining how you wish to distribute your assets when you die or become incapacitated.

A good way to begin your estate plan is to take a detailed inventory of your belongings. It’s not uncommon for people to think they do not possess enough assets to merit estate planning. However, once you start taking an inventory you may well find it surprising the assets you do have. For example, tangible assets of an estate can include:

  • Homes and real estate.
  • Cars, trucks, motorcycles, boats, agricultural machinery, snowmobiles etc.
  • Coin, art, trading cards, antiques and other collectibles.
  • Other miscellaneous personal items.

Other estate assets can include intangibles such as:

  • Savings and checking accounts, certificates of deposit
  • Bonds, stocks and mutual funds.
  • Life insurance.
  • Retirement plans or individual retirement accounts.
  • Health savings accounts.
  • Ownership in a corporation.

Once you take inventory of your assets, it’s time for an estimation of their value. This can be done through valuations such as:

  • Recent appraisals of your residence.
  • Account statements.

In the absence of outside valuations, estimate value based on how you anticipate your heirs would value them. This helps assure equal distribution of your items among your loved ones.
It’s beneficial to speak with an Estate Planning Lawyer Normal IL to get started. Click here or call 309-828-5090 to schedule an appointment with one of our lawyers. If you don’t want to meet with a lawyer first, you can skip that step and proceed by completing our convenient online questionnaire .

Trust Administration & Probate

If you have recently lost a loved one and need to speak with a lawyer about how to distribute assets to the deceased person’s beneficiaries/heirs, click Probate (Will) or Trust Administration (Trust).

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